In this article, I'll show you how to use the Fortnite.digest file to look up information about the functions and events of the creative devices that are available for use with Verse.
In Visual Studio Code, in your UEFN project Explorer, you'll notice that there are a few ".digest.verse" files. These files are generated during a Fortnite build and should not be modified manually. They serve as a reference to see what is available in the Verse API.
Another option is to search directly in the Fortnite.digest file. For example, if you see a creative device that you have in the UEFN editor and want to know what the equivalent Verse class is. In Visual Studio Code, open Fortnite.digest and press F3 to open the search box. The class name follows the pattern name_device.
For example, SuccessEvent is an event that receives a ?agent (optional agent) as a parameter. So we need to create a function that receives a ?agent as a parameter to be able to subscribe to the SuccessEvent.
If you don't know how to subscribe a function in an event, see my article UEFN Verse: Functions.
Also, If you don't know how to call the functions of a class, I recommend my other article UEFN Verse: Classes and Instances.
Not all creative device features that appear in the UEFN editor are available for Verse. The Fortnite.digest file is a quick way to look up what's available for Verse within Visual Studio Code.