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Verse is a new programming language created by Epic Games for the Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN), released in March 2023.
UEFN Verse Compendium
Introduction to Verse programming in UEFN
Part I: Programming a mini game in UEFN with Verse
- Verse: The new programming language
- Verse mini game specification
- Creating the project in UEFN
- Creating the first Verse device
- Island Settings
- Referencing creative devices in Verse
- Item Spawner device
- Storing Item Spawners in an Array
- Creating tags in Verse
- Getting objects with tags in Verse
- Score Manager device
- Final version of collect_game_device Verse code
Part II: Programming a round-based game in UEFN with Verse
- UEFN Verse: Round-based game specification
- UEFN Verse: Island Settings and End Game device
- UEFN Verse: Capture Area device
- UEFN Verse: 1st version of round_based_device
- UEFN Verse: Round Settings device
- UEFN Verse: 2nd version of round_based_device
- UEFN Verse: Class Designer device
- UEFN Verse: Guard Spawner device
- UEFN Verse: Final version of round_based_device