sexta-feira, 9 de junho de 2023

Island Settings

A Fortnite experience takes place on an island. The island is equivalent to the game's level or map. There is a device called Island Settings that has several properties to define the format and rules of your experience.

The Blank template we used when creating the project already has an Island Settings device on the level. Go to the Outliner tab and click on IslandSettings0:

The IslandSettings0 properties are displayed in the Details tab. Take a quick look at the properties to get an idea of what is available:

The changes we are going to make in the Island Settings for our game are related to the display of the Scoreboard at the end of the match.

Let's display the Game Winner screen for 3 seconds:

Then the Game Score screen will be displayed for 15 seconds:

In the Details tab, User Options - UI Settings category, set Game Winner Display Time to 3.0 and Game Score Display Time to 15.0Select the Score option in HUD Info Type and in Round Win Condition: 

The type of information selected in HUD Info Type indicates what will be displayed during the match:

If the type of information that should be displayed on the Scoreboard has not been specified in the island settings, then the Score type specified in Round Win Condition will be used:

The Island Settings device is a must-study topic for those who wish to produce UEFN experiences.