segunda-feira, 5 de junho de 2023

Creating the project in UEFN

In this article we are going to create the project in UEFN for our mini game.

In the Project Browser, click Island Templates to list available templates. Click on Blank template. At the bottom of the window, you can choose the folder where the project will be saved and give the project a name. I chose the name CollectGame for the project but you can choose whatever name you want. Click the Create blue button.  

The Blank template comes with two Player Spawners. We'll only need one to indicate where the player will start. Let's delete one of the Player Spawners.

The Outliner tab shows the assets that are being used in the current level. Select the Player 2 Spawn Pad and delete it. You can delete using the delete key or by right clicking and selecting the Delete option.

In the Outliner, select Player 1 Spawn Pad. The selected element's properties are displayed on the Details tab. Change Location X to 0.0 and Rotation Z to 90.0:

To see your project running in Fortnite, click the Launch Session button located on the UEFN toolbar.

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