domingo, 21 de maio de 2017

BP Compendium 3: Actor Has Tag

Actor Has Tag

This function checks if a game Actor has a certain Tag. The use of tags is a simple way to differentiate some actors in the level.

  • Target: Actor reference that will be used in the tag verification.
  • Tag: Tag that will be used in the test. 

  • Return Value: Boolean value. If "true" indicates that the actor has the tag informed.

Example Usage: 

An Actor can have multiple Tags. To add Tags to an Actor in the Blueprints Editor, click the "Class Defaults" button and in the "Details" tab look for the "Actor" category.

The image below shows that a tag called "SpecialItem" has been added. Tags can also be added in the level editor, just click on an Actor that is on the level and modify the Tags in the "Details" tab.

In this example, the "Actor Has Tag" function is used to check if the actor has the "SpecialItem" tag. If it has then a new actor of "Special Game Item" type will be created, otherwise the actor created is a "Game Item" type.

Click to enlarge